Crafting: Drops
Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 62 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Ancient Gold Relic
Using for entering Castilla Relic, Tower of Chaos or Ancient Device
Possible to obtain by putting Ancient Gold Relic Piece in Ancient Relic Exchanger in Castilla.

Known Uses
Known Locations
Ancient Rune - An
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis

Known Uses
Altair's Cunning
Altair's Cunning (Event)
Balance of Libra
Balance of Libra (Event)
Delusion of Karas
Delusion of Karas (Event)
Disdain of Spica
Disdain of Spica (Event)
Dullahan Shield
Dullahan Sword
Fire of Palermo
Fire of Palermo (Event)
Heavenly Locket
Heavenly Locket (Event)
Howling of Callisto (Event)
Howling of Callisto.
Ice of Sualocin
Ice of Sualocin (Event)
Impulse of Algedi
Impulse of Algedi (Event)
Intuition of Al Rischa
Intuition of Al Rischa (Event)
Kobolt Axe
Kobolt Dagger
Kobolt Torch
Leadership of Hamal
Leadership of Hamal (Event)
Naiads (Event)
Relief of Deneb
Relief of Deneb (Event)
Werebear Mace
Werebear Morning Star
Known Locations
Ancient Rune - Ar
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis

Known Uses
Accuracy of Pegasus
Accuracy of Pegasus (Event)
Blunder of Lykaon
Blunder of Lykaon (Event)
Control of Ophiuchus (Event)
Dullahan Claymore
Dullahan Halberd
Dullahan Pistol
Heavenly Craft
Heavenly Craft (Event)
Heavenly Marionette
Heavenly Marionette (Event)
Hestia (Event)
Insight of Antares
Insight of Antares (Event)
Judgement of Bennu (Event)
Judgment of Bennu
Kobolt Bone Sabre
Kobolt Shield
Kobolt Sword
Lightening of Rotanev (Event)
Lightning of Rotanev
Passion of Regulus
Passion of Regulus (Event)
Purity of Aldebaran
Purity of Aldebaran (Event)
Riposte of Arachne
Riposte of Arachne (Event)
Tempest of Aquarius
Tempest of Aquarius (Event)
The Control of Ophiuchus
The Delphinus
The Delphinus (Event)
Werebear Cannon
Werebear Poleaxe
Will of Acubens
Will of Acubens (Event)
Wits of Gemini
Wits of Gemini (Event)
Known Locations
Ancient Rune - Te
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis

Known Uses
Altair's Cunning
Altair's Cunning (Event)
Balance of Libra
Balance of Libra (Event)
Delusion of Karas
Delusion of Karas (Event)
Disdain of Spica
Disdain of Spica (Event)
Fire of Palermo
Fire of Palermo (Event)
Heavenly Locket
Heavenly Locket (Event)
Howling of Callisto (Event)
Howling of Callisto.
Ice of Sualocin
Ice of Sualocin (Event)
Impulse of Algedi
Impulse of Algedi (Event)
Intuition of Al Rischa
Intuition of Al Rischa (Event)
Leadership of Hamal
Leadership of Hamal (Event)
Naiads (Event)
Relief of Deneb
Relief of Deneb (Event)
Known Locations
Ancient Rune - Ti
A stone which Runic Alphabet has been carved.
Sell: 220 Vis

Known Uses
Accuracy of Pegasus
Accuracy of Pegasus (Event)
Blunder of Lykaon
Blunder of Lykaon (Event)
Control of Ophiuchus (Event)
Heavenly Craft
Heavenly Craft (Event)
Heavenly Marionette
Heavenly Marionette (Event)
Hestia (Event)
Insight of Antares
Insight of Antares (Event)
Judgement of Bennu (Event)
Judgment of Bennu
Lightening of Rotanev (Event)
Lightning of Rotanev
Passion of Regulus
Passion of Regulus (Event)
Purity of Aldebaran
Purity of Aldebaran (Event)
Riposte of Arachne
Riposte of Arachne (Event)
Tempest of Aquarius
Tempest of Aquarius (Event)
The Control of Ophiuchus
The Delphinus
The Delphinus (Event)
Will of Acubens
Will of Acubens (Event)
Wits of Gemini
Wits of Gemini (Event)
Known Locations
Aquarius Token (The 11th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Aries Token (The 1st Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Armonia Coin
A coin manufactured and distributed in Armonia. You may be absolved by bringing them in bulk.
Sell: 55 000 Vis

Known Uses
Armonia Belt
Armonia Boots
Armonia Cannon
Armonia Crescent
Armonia Crossbow
Armonia Dagger
Armonia Earrings
Armonia Fire Bracelet
Armonia Gloves
Armonia Grimoire
Armonia Ice Bracelet
Armonia Javelin
Armonia Knuckle
Armonia Leg-Guards
Armonia Lightning Bracelet
Armonia Lute
Armonia Mace
Armonia Main-Gauche
Armonia Necklace
Armonia Pistol
Armonia Polearm
Armonia Rapier
Armonia Rifle
Armonia Rod
Armonia Sabre
Armonia Shield
Armonia Shotgun
Armonia Slayer
Armonia Special Bracelet
Armonia Staff
Armonia Sword
Armonia Tonfa
Santo De Blanc Coat
Santo De Blanc Coat (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Robe
Santuario Metal Armor
Armor Piece of Senior Crusader
A metal piece of armor used by a senior crusader of Armonia in the past. This is the main material for creating Armonia metal armor.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Black Cloth Piece
The cloth piece which compose Valeron Robe and Valeron Coat.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Blue Armonium Ore
A bluish Armonium ore. It has an indescribable beauty and the strong power of purification.
Sell: 1 Vis
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Armonia Belt
Armonia Boots
Armonia Cannon
Armonia Crescent
Armonia Crossbow
Armonia Dagger
Armonia Earrings
Armonia Fire Bracelet
Armonia Gloves
Armonia Grimoire
Armonia Ice Bracelet
Armonia Javelin
Armonia Knuckle
Armonia Leg-Guards
Armonia Lightning Bracelet
Armonia Lute
Armonia Mace
Armonia Main-Gauche
Armonia Necklace
Armonia Pistol
Armonia Polearm
Armonia Rapier
Armonia Rifle
Armonia Rod
Armonia Sabre
Armonia Shield
Armonia Shotgun
Armonia Slayer
Armonia Special Bracelet
Armonia Staff
Armonia Sword
Armonia Tonfa
Santo De Blanc Coat
Santo De Blanc Coat (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Robe
Santuario Metal Armor
Blueprint of Masterpiece Cube
1 sheet of Blueprints needed for creating Masterpiece Cube
Sell: 110 Vis

Known Uses
Blueprint of Masterpiece Diary
1 sheet of Blueprints needed for creating Masterpiece Diary
Sell: 110 Vis

Known Uses
Blueprint of Masterpiece Encyclopedia
1 sheet of Blueprints needed for creating Masterpiece Encyclopedia
Sell: 110 Vis

Known Uses
Broken Magic Weapon Fragment
This weapon fragment was made through melting damaged Bracelet of Fire. It's used as a material for making Valeron weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Broken Melee Weapon Fragment
This weapon fragment was made through melting damaged Illier Sword. It's used as a material for making Valeron weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Broken Shoot Weapon Fragment
This weapon fragment was made through melting damaged Illier Rifle. It's used as a material for making Valeron weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Bulk Coal
This is where fuel comes from. This can be used to produce steel. With selling them to Market, you can obtain Vis.
Sell: 41 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Al Quelt Moreza, Nartex
- Al Quelt Moreza, Parsonage
- Cathari Falls
- Ferruccio Junction
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Mission: Ustiur, The Farm
- Reboldoeux Stone Pit
Cancer Token (The 4th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Capricornus Token (The 10th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Cast Iron
Metal made by pouring melted iron into a mold. Density of metal is a bit lowered, but it can be shaped more easily.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Created Fire RES Necklace
Created Ice RES Necklace
Created Lightning RES Necklace
Created Mental RES Necklace
Created Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Created Physical RES Necklace
Created Shot RES Necklace
Crystal Shooter
Elegant Rose
Frozen Marlin
Frozen Marlin Cannon
Glove of Selva
Silver Striker
Small Frozen Marlin
Star Knuckle
Werewolf Axe
Werewolf Dagger
Werewolf Rifle
Werewolf Shie이
Werewolf Sword
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza, Parsonage
- El Lago de Tres Hermanas
- El Ruina de Memoria
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Thueringenwald
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.1
Composite Steel
Strong metal made of iron and coal. It is the main material used in short weapons and armor.
Sell: 330 Vis

Known Uses
Elegant Rose
Elite Bone Frame Armor
Elite Metallic Suit
Elite Schvarlier Armor
Fate of Castilla Costume
Composite Steel
Glove of Selva
Hammer of Barsene
High Quality Metal Belt
Metal Belt
Metal Belt of Artisan
Ogre Blade
Ogre Long Sword
Ogre Orb
Ogre Pole-axe
Ogre Shotgun
Ogre Sword
Platinum Controller
Platinum Pendant
Santuario Metal Armor Costume
Star Knuckle
Strata Devil Plate Costume
Copper piece
Polished copper piece. It is very malleable and sensitive to even small forces. It can be easily changed into different things. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 13 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Ferruccio Junction
- Mission: Cleansing of Al Quelt Moreza
- Mission: Reboldoeux Stone Pit, Work Pit 2
- Reboldoeux Stone Pit
Crest of Black Knight
A crest of the dark knight. Dark energy and tenacity can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Crest of Dark Priest
A crest of the dark priest. Dark energy and comfort can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Crest of Sacred Knight
A crest of the sacred knight. Sanctity and tenacity can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Crest of Sacred Priest
A crest of the sacred priest. Sanctity and softness can be felt from it. This is the main material for creating Armonia weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Dark Insignia
Insignia of Dark. Gathering 4 attribute of Insignia and can release the seal Island of Fire and Seal of Crater.
Sell: 138 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Elemental Jewel
A valuable Gem crafted by melding together the elemental crystals of Fire, Ice and Lightning.
Sell: 10 000 000 Vis

Known Uses
Coat Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Corazon Crystal
Holy Water Crystal
Leather Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Metal Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Otite Crystal
Petrified Gas Crystal
Rhodolite Crystal
Robe Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Vernier Bracelet
Vernier Bracelet of Fire
Vernier Knuckle
Vernier Magic Book
Vernier Pistol
Vernier Slayer
Enchant Chip Lv.100
A chip that enchants an item once
Sell: 2310 Vis

Known Uses
Belt of Artisan
Black Bishop
Black Dagger
Blue Serpent Coat
Blue Serpent Coat (No Use)
Blue Serpent Leather Armor
Blue Serpent Leather Armor (No Use)
Blue Serpent Robe
Cut Fire RES Necklace
Cut Ice RES Necklace
Cut Lightning RES Necklace
Cut Mental RES Necklace
Cut Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Cut Physical RES Necklace
Cut Shot RES Necklace
Earring of Artisan
Elite Black Dragon
Elite Bracelet of Behemoth
Elite Bracelet of Leviathan
Elite Bracelet of Ziz
Elite Demon Slayer
Elite Grim-Wraith
Elite Grim-stick
Elite Le Noir Coat
Elite Le Noir Coat (No Use)
Elite Le Noir Leather Armor
Elite Le Noir Leather Armor (No Use)
Elite Le Noir Robe
Elite Silver Crossbow
Elite Teorbe
Forest Whisper
Gauntlets of Artisan
General Plate
Glacial Crystal
Gloves of Artisan
Golden Damascus
Golden Feet
Golden Fist
Greaves of Artisan
Hammer of Barsene
Leather Belt of Artisan
Leather Boots of Artisan
Leather Gloves of Artisan
Metal Belt of Artisan
Phantom Guard
Platinum Controller
Platinum Pendant
Pure Corazon Fragment
Pure Holy Water Fragment
Pure Otite Fragment
Pure Petrified Gas Fragment
Pure Rhodolite Fragment
Serpent Cannon
Serpent Javelin
Serpent Main-Gauche
Serpent Revolver
Serpent Rifle
Serpent Shooter
Serpent Spear
Shoes of Artisan
Steel Fort
Sword of Knight
Sword of the King
Sword of the Queen
War Crescent
War Prominence
White Bishop
White Dagger
Enchant Chip Lv.92
A chip that enchants an item once
Sell: 2310 Vis

Known Uses
Corazon Fragment
Crystal Shooter
Elegant Rose
Elite Antique Pistol
Elite Aquila
Elite Arciliuto
Elite Axe di Gavi
Elite Bandersnatch
Elite Battle Crossbow
Elite Beam-gun
Elite Beat of Steel
Elite Candlestick
Elite Castor Sword
Elite Castor Wing
Elite Crescent Axe
Elite Cuspid of Steel
Elite Dance of Steel
Elite Destruction of Steel
Elite Dragomahawk
Elite Echo of Steel
Elite Gladius
Elite Great Maul
Elite Grim-ripper
Elite Harpoon
Elite Iron Axe
Elite Iron Pistol
Elite Mallet
Elite Morgenstern
Elite Muses Gigantespada
Elite Muses Gigantestar
Elite Noir Plaque
Elite Octagon Shield
Elite Phobitan Knuckle
Elite Pollux Sword
Elite Pollux Wing
Elite Rouge Plaque
Elite Sabre di Gavi
Elite Schvarlier Slayer
Elite Schvarlier Sword
Elite Scythe
Elite Skullic Bracer
Elite Small Knife
Elite Soul of Steel
Elite Steel of Destruction
Elite War Hammer
Elite Wave of Steel
Elite Weird Sword
Frozen Marlin
Frozen Marlin Cannon
Hammer of Tollero
High Quality Earring
Holy Water Fragment
Le Noir Coat
Le Noir Coat (No Use)
Le Noir Leather Armor
Le Noir Leather Armor (No Use)
Le Noir Robe
Noche Frigid
Noche Triste
Otite Fragment
Petrified Gas Fragment
Pure Gold Pendant
Rhodolite Fragment
Sakura Branch
Silver Light Controller
Silver Rosario
Silver Skeleton Bracer
Silver Striker
Small Frozen Marlin
Star Knuckle
Known Locations
- Abertal
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Deprimida Valley
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Katovic Snowfield
- Lago Celeste
- Porto Bello, St. Cathrina Saloon
- Rio Albi
- Scorching Plateau
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tetra Antiquities Room
- Topolo Durga
- Tubkal Mine
- Via Fluvial
Enchant Chip Lv.96
A chip that enchants an item once
Sell: 2310 Vis

Known Uses
Created Fire RES Necklace
Created Ice RES Necklace
Created Lightning RES Necklace
Created Mental RES Necklace
Created Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Created Physical RES Necklace
Created Shot RES Necklace
El Carro
El Colgado
El Diablo
El Ermitano
El Juicio
El Loco
El Mago
El Sol
El Sumo Sacherdote
Elite El Carro
Elite El Colgado
Elite El Diablo
Elite El Ermitano
Elite El Juicio
Elite El Loco
Elite El Mago
Elite El Sol
Elite El Sumo Sacherdote
Elite La Emperador
Elite La Emperatriz
Elite La Estrella
Elite La Fuerza
Elite La Justicia
Elite La Luna
Elite La Muerte
Elite La Rueda De La Fortuna
Elite La Suma Sacherdotisa
Elite La Templanza
Elite La Torre
Elite Le Blanc Coat
Elite Le Blanc Leather Armor
Elite Le Blanc Robe
Elite Los Enamorados
Golden Earring
High Quality Belt
High Quality Leather Belt
High Quality Metal Belt
La Emperador
La Emperatriz
La Estrella
La Fuerza
La Justicia
La Luna
La Muerte
La Rueda De La Fortuna
La Suma Sacherdotisa
La Templanza
La Torre
Le Blanc Coat (No Use)
Le Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
Los Enamorados
Refined Corazon Fragment
Refined Holy Water Fragment
Refined Otite Fragment
Refined Petrified Gas Fragment
Refined Rhodolite Fragment
Silver Earring
Known Locations
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Katovic Snowfield
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Sacred Dungeon
- Scorching Plateau
- Tubkal Mine
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
Enchant Chip Veteran
Veteran exclusive
A chip that enchants an item once
Sell: 2310 Vis

Known Uses
Accuracy of Pegasus
Accuracy of Pegasus (Event)
Altair's Cunning
Altair's Cunning (Event)
Ancient Cannon
Ancient Crossbow
Ancient Dagger
Ancient Fire Bracelet
Ancient Great Sword
Ancient Ice Bracelet
Ancient Knuckle
Ancient Leg-Guards
Ancient Lightning Bracelet
Ancient Lute
Ancient Pistol
Ancient Rapier
Ancient Rifle
Ancient Rod
Ancient Rosario
Ancient Sabre
Ancient Shield
Ancient Shotgun
Ancient Slayer
Ancient Staff
Ancient Sword
Balance of Libra
Balance of Libra (Event)
Blunder of Lykaon
Blunder of Lykaon (Event)
Control of Ophiuchus (Event)
Crafted Fire RES Necklace
Crafted Ice RES Necklace
Crafted Lightning RES Necklace
Crafted Mental RES Necklace
Crafted Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Crafted Physical RES Necklace
Crafted Shot RES Necklace
Delusion of Karas
Delusion of Karas (Event)
Disdain of Spica
Disdain of Spica (Event)
Divine Belt
Divine Boots
Divine Broom Stick
Divine Cannon
Divine Crecent
Divine Crossbow
Divine Cube
Divine Dagger
Divine Earrings
Divine Encyclopedia
Divine Fire Bracelet
Divine Gloves
Divine Ice Bracelet
Divine Javelin
Divine Knuckle
Divine Leg-Guards
Divine Lightning Bracelet
Divine Lute
Divine Mace
Divine Magic Book
Divine Main-Gauche
Divine Necklace
Divine Pistol
Divine Polearm
Divine Rapier
Divine Rifle
Divine Rod
Divine Sabre
Divine Shotgun
Divine Slayer
Divine Special Bracelet
Divine Staff
Divine Sword
Divine Tonfa
Essence of Star
Fire of Palermo
Fire of Palermo (Event)
Heavenly Craft
Heavenly Craft (Event)
Heavenly Locket
Heavenly Locket (Event)
Heavenly Marionette
Heavenly Marionette (Event)
Hestia (Event)
Howling of Callisto (Event)
Howling of Callisto.
IAR-323 Large Caliber Rifle
Ice of Sualocin
Ice of Sualocin (Event)
Impulse of Algedi
Impulse of Algedi (Event)
Insight of Antares
Insight of Antares (Event)
Intuition of Al Rischa
Intuition of Al Rischa (Event)
Judgement of Bennu (Event)
Judgment of Bennu
Leadership of Hamal
Leadership of Hamal (Event)
Lightening of Rotanev (Event)
Lightning of Rotanev
Magic Belt
Magic Leather Belt
Magic Metal Belt
Magical Earring
Naiads (Event)
Passion of Regulus
Passion of Regulus (Event)
Prospe Bracelet
Prospe Bracelet
Prospe Cannon
Prospe Cannon
Prospe Controller
Prospe Controller
Prospe Craft
Prospe Craft
Prospe Crescent
Prospe Crescent
Prospe Crossbow
Prospe Crossbow
Prospe Cube
Prospe Cube
Prospe Dagger
Prospe Dagger
Prospe Encyclopedia
Prospe Encyclopedia
Prospe Flame Bangle
Prospe Flame Bangle
Prospe Ice Bangle
Prospe Ice Bangle
Prospe Javelin
Prospe Javelin
Prospe Knuckle
Prospe Knuckle
Prospe Leg-Guards
Prospe Leg-Guards
Prospe Lightning Bangle
Prospe Lightning Bangle
Prospe Lute
Prospe Lute
Prospe Magic Scroll
Prospe Magic Scroll
Prospe Main-Gauche
Prospe Main-Gauche
Prospe Pendant
Prospe Pendant
Prospe Polearm
Prospe Polearm
Prospe Rapier
Prospe Rapier
Prospe Revolver
Prospe Revolver
Prospe Rifle
Prospe Rifle
Prospe Rod
Prospe Rod
Prospe Rosario
Prospe Rosario
Prospe Shamshir
Prospe Shamshir
Prospe Shotgun
Prospe Shotgun
Prospe Slayer
Prospe Slayer
Prospe Sword
Prospe Sword
Prospe Tonfa
Prospe Tonfa
Purity of Aldebaran
Purity of Aldebaran (Event)
Relief of Deneb
Relief of Deneb (Event)
Riposte of Arachne
Riposte of Arachne (Event)
Shiny Corazon Fragment
Shiny Holy Water Fragment
Shiny Otite Fragment
Shiny Petrified Gas Fragment
Shiny Rhodolite Fragment
Tempest of Aquarius
Tempest of Aquarius (Event)
The Control of Ophiuchus
The Delphinus
The Delphinus (Event)
Will of Acubens
Will of Acubens (Event)
Wits of Gemini
Wits of Gemini (Event)
Known Locations
Essence of Balance
A gray gem with a balanced energy Artifact Ingredient

Known Uses
Elite Bristia Cannon
Elite Bristia Crescent
Elite Bristia Crossbow
Elite Bristia Dagger
Elite Bristia Fire Bracelet
Elite Bristia Ice Bracelet
Elite Bristia Javelin
Elite Bristia Knuckle
Elite Bristia Leg-Guards
Elite Bristia Lightning Bracelet
Elite Bristia Lute
Elite Bristia Mace
Elite Bristia Main-Gauche
Elite Bristia Pistol
Elite Bristia Polearm
Elite Bristia Rapier
Elite Bristia Rifle
Elite Bristia Rod
Elite Bristia Sabre
Elite Bristia Shot Gun
Elite Bristia Slayer
Elite Bristia Special Bracelet
Elite Bristia Staff
Elite Bristia Sword
Elite Bristia Tonfa
IBR-620 Large Caliber Rifle
Masterpiece Cube
Masterpiece Diary
Masterpiece Encyclopedia
Known Locations
- Kielce - Night
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Shelter of Resistance
Essence of Corruption
A black gem that has corrupted energy. Artifact Ingredient

Known Uses
Elite Bristia Cannon
Elite Bristia Crescent
Elite Bristia Crossbow
Elite Bristia Dagger
Elite Bristia Fire Bracelet
Elite Bristia Ice Bracelet
Elite Bristia Javelin
Elite Bristia Knuckle
Elite Bristia Leg-Guards
Elite Bristia Lightning Bracelet
Elite Bristia Lute
Elite Bristia Mace
Elite Bristia Main-Gauche
Elite Bristia Pistol
Elite Bristia Polearm
Elite Bristia Rapier
Elite Bristia Rifle
Elite Bristia Rod
Elite Bristia Sabre
Elite Bristia Shot Gun
Elite Bristia Slayer
Elite Bristia Special Bracelet
Elite Bristia Staff
Elite Bristia Sword
Elite Bristia Tonfa
IBR-620 Large Caliber Rifle
Masterpiece Cube
Masterpiece Diary
Masterpiece Encyclopedia
Known Locations
- Kielce - Night
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Shelter of Resistance
Essence of Purity
A pure milky gem. Artifact Ingredient

Known Uses
Elite Bristia Cannon
Elite Bristia Crescent
Elite Bristia Crossbow
Elite Bristia Dagger
Elite Bristia Fire Bracelet
Elite Bristia Ice Bracelet
Elite Bristia Javelin
Elite Bristia Knuckle
Elite Bristia Leg-Guards
Elite Bristia Lightning Bracelet
Elite Bristia Lute
Elite Bristia Mace
Elite Bristia Main-Gauche
Elite Bristia Pistol
Elite Bristia Polearm
Elite Bristia Rapier
Elite Bristia Rifle
Elite Bristia Rod
Elite Bristia Sabre
Elite Bristia Shot Gun
Elite Bristia Slayer
Elite Bristia Special Bracelet
Elite Bristia Staff
Elite Bristia Sword
Elite Bristia Tonfa
IBR-620 Large Caliber Rifle
Masterpiece Cube
Masterpiece Diary
Masterpiece Encyclopedia
Known Locations
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 83 Vis

Known Uses
Evora's Black Insignia
Black Insignia to prove the membership of Evora, Illier New Army. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valeron's Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis

Gemini Token (The 3rd Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Gold piece
High purity gold. There is an illegible crest carved on it. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 165 Vis

Known Uses
High Quality Wood
Carefully processed scented wood. Commonly used for gun handles and staffs.
Sell: 308 Vis

Holy Water of Armonia
1 MCC's [Degenerate] is purified as 20 step. In case no [Degenerate] or below 20 Lv. then [Holy] buff will be applied
Holy Water of Armonia which Anis has created by refining the Ruddy Armonium. It may lift the Degenerate of Abyss.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Armonia Belt
Armonia Boots
Armonia Cannon
Armonia Crescent
Armonia Crossbow
Armonia Dagger
Armonia Earrings
Armonia Fire Bracelet
Armonia Gloves
Armonia Grimoire
Armonia Ice Bracelet
Armonia Javelin
Armonia Knuckle
Armonia Leg-Guards
Armonia Lightning Bracelet
Armonia Lute
Armonia Mace
Armonia Main-Gauche
Armonia Necklace
Armonia Pistol
Armonia Polearm
Armonia Rapier
Armonia Rifle
Armonia Rod
Armonia Sabre
Armonia Shield
Armonia Shotgun
Armonia Slayer
Armonia Special Bracelet
Armonia Staff
Armonia Sword
Armonia Tonfa
Divine Belt
Divine Boots
Divine Broom Stick
Divine Cannon
Divine Crecent
Divine Crossbow
Divine Cube
Divine Dagger
Divine Earrings
Divine Encyclopedia
Divine Fire Bracelet
Divine Gloves
Divine Ice Bracelet
Divine Javelin
Divine Knuckle
Divine Leg-Guards
Divine Lightning Bracelet
Divine Lute
Divine Mace
Divine Magic Book
Divine Main-Gauche
Divine Necklace
Divine Pistol
Divine Polearm
Divine Rapier
Divine Rifle
Divine Rod
Divine Sabre
Divine Shotgun
Divine Slayer
Divine Special Bracelet
Divine Staff
Divine Sword
Divine Tonfa
IAR-323 Large Caliber Rifle
Santo De Blanc Coat
Santo De Blanc Coat (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor
Santo De Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
Santo De Blanc Robe
Santuario Metal Armor
Impenetrable Shield Piece
The shield piece which compose Valeron Metal Armor.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Intensified Progressive Health-Filler
HP recovers by 3000 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
Medicine that greatly increases HP recovery speed.
Sell: 1980 Vis

Known Uses
Intensified Progressive Soul-Filler
SP recovers by 600 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
Medical supply drastically increasing the recuperative power of SP.
Sell: 1650 Vis

Known Uses
Flawless smooth White ore used as ingredients for several items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 34 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Ferruccio Junction
- Mission: Ustiur, The Farm
Iron piece
Corroded iron piece. When treated well, it can be used to make different items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 28 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Al Quelt Moreza, Nartex
- Al Quelt Moreza, Parsonage
- Cathari Falls
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Mission: Ustiur, The Farm
Leather Tapestry
A leather tapestry in which a senior priest of the past is portrayed. This is the main material for creating Armonia leather armor.
Sell: 1 Vis

Leo Token (The 5th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Libra Token (The 7th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Magic Corps' Gold Insignia
Gold Insignia to prove the membership of Illier Magic Corps. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valeron's Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis

Magic Corps' Red Insignia
Reddish Insignia to prove the membership of Illier Magic Corps. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valeron's Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis

Magic Powder of Ghost
May be used to produce a magic scroll.
Sell: 11 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Top of Secret Tower
Magical Amethyst
Amethyst with magical powers that is used to craft special items.
Sell: 138 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Mana Stone
A magic stone that draws on reserves of magical power.
Sell: 4510 Vis

Known Uses
Anchor (15 days)
Anchor (7 days)
Angel Wings (15 days)
Angel Wings (7 days)
Black Angel Wings (15 days)
Black Angel Wings (7 days)
Chrysalis Wings (15 days)
Chrysalis Wings (7 days)
Defrodain Rod
Deprodine Bracelet
Deprodine Rifle
Deprodine Sword
Enhanced Angel Wings (7 days)
Enhanced Black Angel Wings (7 days)
Evil Spirit Deprodine (30 days)
Mana Stone
Flower Vase (15 days)
Flower Vase (7 days)
High Quality Emerald
High Quality Ruby
High Quality Sapphire
Ivory Bag (15 days)
Ivory Bag (7 days)
Jabberwock Armor (15 days)
Jabberwock Armor (7 days)
Leafing Croc Bag (15 days)
Leafing Croc Bag (7 days)
Murderous Swords (15 days)
Murderous Swords (7 days)
Piece of Emerald
Piece of Ruby
Piece of Sapphire
Rucksack (15 days)
Rucksack (7 days)
Sakura Branch
Satchel (15 days)
Satchel (7 days)
Secret Tower - Magic Scroll
Shell of Tortoise (15 days)
Shell of Tortoise (7 days)
Sign (15 days)
Sign (7 days)
Silver Skeleton Bracer
Treasure Chest (15 days)
Treasure Chest (7 days)
White Angel Wings (15 days)
White Angel Wings (7 days)
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza, Arcade
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.1
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
- Item Dealer, Schlina
- [Castilla, Base 1] Equipment Merchant, Billy
- Item Dealer, Emilia
- [Errac] Tool Shop
- [Outside Gigante] Item Dealer, Jessica
- Item Dealer, Jessica
Mega Aidanium
Light, silver ore specially found at Granado Espada continent.
Sell: 990 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Abertal
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Deprimida Valley
- Frozen Plain
- Mission: Base of Thief Morgan
- Mission: Quick feet vs Lightning Spear
- Topolo Durga
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
Mega Etretanium
White, silver ore specially found at beach town. It has spells and many uses but it is very costly.
Sell: 1100 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Abertal
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Deprimida Valley
- Mission: Base of Thief Morgan
- Mission: Quick feet vs Lightning Spear
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Topolo Durga
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
Mega Ionium
Flawless and smooth White ore.
Sell: 770 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Abertal
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Deprimida Valley
- Katovic Snowfield
- Mission: Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Mission: Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Mission: Base of Thief Morgan
- Mission: Quick feet vs Lightning Spear
- Topolo Durga
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
Mega Quartz
Ore with six crystal faces found at the new continent. Ore with distinct crystal faces and a shiny gloss are used as gems.
Sell: 880 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Mega Talt
A kind of sarira stone found in new continent.
Sell: 660 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Al Quelt Moreza, Arcade
- Al Quelt Moreza, Nartex
- Al Quelt Moreza, Parsonage
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Bonavista River
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deserted Quay of Porto Bello
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Lago de Tres Hermanas
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Lago Celeste
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- M. Dr.Torsche, Savage Garden
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Porto Bello, Hidden Deck
- Porto Bello, St. Cathrina Saloon
- Porto Bello, The Cabin
- Porto Bello, The Deck
- Porto Bello, The Hold
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rio Albi
- Rion Plain
- Sacred Dungeon
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tetra Antiquities Room
- Tetra Catacomb
- Tetra Golden Road
- Tetra Ruins, Grand Corridor
- Thueringenwald
- Topolo Durga
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Vegas Javier
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
Memo of Expedition
Memo presumed as Ferruccio Explorers wrote. Possible to get in whole Bahamar area.
Sell: 138 Vis

Known Uses
Black Bishop
Black Dagger
Elite Black Dragon
Elite Bracelet of Behemoth
Elite Bracelet of Leviathan
Elite Bracelet of Ziz
Elite Demon Slayer
Elite Grim-Wraith
Elite Grim-stick
Elite Silver Crossbow
Elite Teorbe
Forest Whisper
Glacial Crystal
Golden Damascus
Golden Feet
Golden Fist
Phantom Guard
Serpent Cannon
Serpent Javelin
Serpent Main-Gauche
Serpent Revolver
Serpent Rifle
Serpent Shooter
Serpent Spear
Steel Fort
Sword of Knight
Sword of the King
Sword of the Queen
War Crescent
War Prominence
White Bishop
White Dagger
Known Locations
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Mission: Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Mission: Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Mission: Catching alive lmoogi
Mission Coupon : Evora
Certificate that followed the mission of Illier New Warlord Evora. Possible to use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Elite Accuracy of Pegasus
Elite Altair's Cunning
Elite Criticism of Spica
Elite Hestia
Elite Howling of Callisto.
Elite Ice of Sualocin
Elite Lightning of Rotanev
Elite Passion of Regulus
Elite Purity of Aldebaran
Elite Tempest of Aquarius
Elite The Delphinus
Elite Will of Acubens
Elite Wits of Gemini
Valeron Controller
Valeron Hammer
Valeron Knuckle
Valeron Leg-Guard
Valeron Pendant
Valeron Rod
Valeron Special Bracelet
Valeron Sword
Mission Coupon : Illisia
Certificate for the mission completion of Illisia citizens. Can use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis

Mission Coupon : Magic Corps
Certificate for the mission completion of Illier Magic Corps. Can use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis

Mission Coupon : Partrikion
Certificate that followed the mission of Illier Old Warlord Patrikyon. Possible to use inside Illier.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Elite Balance of Libra
Elite Blunder of Lykaon
Elite Delusion of Karas
Elite Fire of Palermo
Elite Impulse of Algedi
Elite Insight of Antares
Elite Intuition of Al Rischa
Elite Judgment of Bennu
Elite Leadership of Hamal
Elite Naiads
Elite Relief of Deneb
Elite Riposte of Arachne
Elite The Control of Ophiuchus
ILE-525 Cube
Valeron Dagger
Valeron Ice Bracelet
Valeron Javelin
Valeron Lute
Valeron Mace
Valeron Magic Scroll
Valeron Saber
Valeron Slayer
Origin of Fire
Talk to Master Guardians to use Max +5 per ability.
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of fire. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
This item can't be traded.

Origin of Land
Talk to Master Guardians to use Max +5 per ability.
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of earth. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
This item can't be traded.

Origin of Mind
Talk to Master Guardians to use Max +5 per ability.
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of mind. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
This item can't be traded.

Origin of Water
Talk to Master Guardians to use Max +5 per ability.
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of water. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
This item can't be traded.

Origin of Wind
Talk to Master Guardians to use Max +5 per ability.
Among the 5 elements, it is the piece that has the power of wind. You can 5 sources and increase abilities.
This item can't be traded.

Otite piece
Using for mission-entering Mansion of Dr.Torsche - Basement
Possible to get all area in Mansion of Dr.Torsche.
Sell: 17 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- M. Dr.Torsche, Savage Garden
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
Patrikyon's Silver Insignia
Silver Insignia to prove the membership of Patrikyon, Illier Old Army. Melting Insignia containing special magic power, it can be used as Valeron's Weapon Manufacture catalyst.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - Al
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - Beel
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - He
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Piece Of Naraka - Lu
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - Ma
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - Mo
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Piece Of Naraka - Than
Fragment piece of creep patterns. Talking to Jenia in Viron, you can obtain 'Recipe - Strata Devil Weapon' in a certain chance.
Sell: 275 Vis

Piece of Elite Schvarlier Armor
Piece of armo that can make better armor than armor of Schvarlier.
Sell: 825 Vis

Known Uses
Pieces of Elite Bracelet
Pieces of a bracelet that is used to make bracelet better than general bracelet.
Sell: 825 Vis

Pisces Token (The 12th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Platinum Bar
Bar made of Platinum. Higher value than Gold Bar. Possible to buy or sell with each town's Merchants. (about 1 million Vis)
Sell: 1 000 000 Vis

Known Uses
Pure Aidanium
Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 495 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Abertal
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Armonia, Ancient En Celar
- Armonia, Biego
- Armonia, El Adio
- Armonia, El Soltado
- Armonia, El Templo
- Armonia, En Celar
- Armonia, Gloria
- Armonia, Latina
- Bahamar, Altar of Heaven
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 2F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Battle Colosseum
- Bedel Plain
- Cabeza de Gigante
- Capybara Plantation
- Castilla, Mine
- Castilla, Relic
- Castilla, Ruins
- Castilla, Temple
- Corazon de Gigante
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deprimida Valley
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Distorted Time: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Distorted Time: Torsche Mansion
- Distorted time: Imperium Arma
- Distorted time: Imperium Rex
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Errac, Land of Day
- Errac, Land of Night
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Imperium Arma
- Imperium Glory
- Imperium Rex
- Inside Crater
- Interna de Gigante
- Island of Fire
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Katovic Snowfield
- Kielce - Night
- Kielce - Training Camp
- Kielce - Training Camp (Night)
- Lago Celeste
- Lava Plateau of Jaquin
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Warehouse
- Lucifer Castle, the Reception Hall of Oblivion
- Lucifer, Banquet Hall
- Lucifer, Death Corridor
- Lucifer, Moonlight Garden
- Lucifer, Secret Garden
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mine Passage
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza, Holy Water Chamber
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Cabeza de Gigante
- Mission: Castilla, King Henry Mission
- Mission: Chrysalis
- Mission: Crow Forest
- Mission: Demon of the Sea, Loby Dick
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Basement Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Underground Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Dr.Torsche Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon' Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Medusa
- Mission: Demonic Minotauros
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sphinx
- Mission: Demonic Tower of Ice Wizard Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dramatic Meeting
- Mission: First of Darkness
- Mission: Fury Farm
- Mission: Fury Mage
- Mission: Hatred Executor
- Mission: Hellbreaker
- Mission: Individual Raid, Rafflesia
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- Mission: Jaquin Basement
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Mission: Lava Leaf
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Mansion Dungeon of Demonic Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Merchant rank promotion test
- Mission: Overlord of Element
- Mission: Poison Yard for Christmas
- Mission: Rafflesia
- Mission: Raven Curse
- Mission: Room of the Dead
- Mission: Ruler of Rage
- Mission: Secret Laboratory of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Secret Temple
- Mission: Secret Tower 1F
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 1F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 2F
- Mission: Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Mission: Slaughter in the Jaquin
- Mission: Spirit of Jaquin
- Mission: Tower Dungeon of Demonic Ice Wizard
- Mission: Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Mission: Valley of Hell
- Mission: Viron, Clock Tower B7F
- Nest of Jormongand
- Occulta Fortress
- Occulta, Room of General
- Old Port of Coimbra
- Party Mission: Fury Lava Leaf
- Party Mission: Fury Rafflesia
- Party Mission: Fury Sekhmet
- Poison Yard
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rafflesia
- Reboldoeux Culverts
- Rio Albi
- Room of the Dead
- Sacred Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Scorching Plateau
- Secret Temple
- Secret Tower 1F
- Secret Tower 2F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Shelter of Resistance
- Silent Maze - 1F
- Silent Maze - 2F
- Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tierra Putrefacta
- Tierra de los Muertos
- Top of Secret Tower
- Topolo Durga
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Truman's Secret Laboratory
- Truman's Secret Workshop B1F
- Truman's Secret Workshop B2F
- Tubkal Mine
- Twisted Time: Imperium Arma
- Twisted Time: Imperium Rex
- Ustiur, The Farm
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 4
- Vegas Javier
- Vernier Mainsion, 1st Floor
- Vernier Mansion 2nd Floor
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Crow Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- Whirlpool of Flame
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.2
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
Pure Etretanium
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 550 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Abertal
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Armonia, Ancient En Celar
- Armonia, Biego
- Armonia, El Adio
- Armonia, El Soltado
- Armonia, El Templo
- Armonia, En Celar
- Armonia, Gloria
- Armonia, Latina
- Bahamar, Altar of Heaven
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 2F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Battle Colosseum
- Bedel Plain
- Cabeza de Gigante
- Capybara Plantation
- Castilla, Mine
- Castilla, Relic
- Castilla, Ruins
- Castilla, Temple
- Corazon de Gigante
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deprimida Valley
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Distorted Time: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Distorted Time: Torsche Mansion
- Distorted time: Imperium Arma
- Distorted time: Imperium Rex
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Errac, Land of Day
- Errac, Land of Night
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Imperium Arma
- Imperium Glory
- Imperium Rex
- Inside Crater
- Interna de Gigante
- Island of Fire
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Katovic Snowfield
- Kielce - Night
- Kielce - Training Camp
- Kielce - Training Camp (Night)
- Lago Celeste
- Lava Plateau of Jaquin
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Warehouse
- Lucifer Castle, the Reception Hall of Oblivion
- Lucifer, Banquet Hall
- Lucifer, Death Corridor
- Lucifer, Moonlight Garden
- Lucifer, Secret Garden
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mine Passage
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza, Holy Water Chamber
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Cabeza de Gigante
- Mission: Castilla, King Henry Mission
- Mission: Chrysalis
- Mission: Crow Forest
- Mission: Demon of the Sea, Loby Dick
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Basement Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Underground Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Dr.Torsche Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon' Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Medusa
- Mission: Demonic Minotauros
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sphinx
- Mission: Demonic Tower of Ice Wizard Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dramatic Meeting
- Mission: First of Darkness
- Mission: Fury Farm
- Mission: Fury Mage
- Mission: Hatred Executor
- Mission: Hellbreaker
- Mission: Individual Raid, Rafflesia
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- Mission: Jaquin Basement
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Mission: Lava Leaf
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Mansion Dungeon of Demonic Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Merchant rank promotion test
- Mission: Overlord of Element
- Mission: Poison Yard for Christmas
- Mission: Rafflesia
- Mission: Raven Curse
- Mission: Room of the Dead
- Mission: Ruler of Rage
- Mission: Secret Laboratory of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Secret Temple
- Mission: Secret Tower 1F
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 1F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 2F
- Mission: Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Mission: Slaughter in the Jaquin
- Mission: Spirit of Jaquin
- Mission: Tower Dungeon of Demonic Ice Wizard
- Mission: Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Mission: Valley of Hell
- Mission: Viron, Clock Tower B7F
- Nest of Jormongand
- Occulta Fortress
- Occulta, Room of General
- Old Port of Coimbra
- Party Mission: Fury Lava Leaf
- Party Mission: Fury Rafflesia
- Party Mission: Fury Sekhmet
- Poison Yard
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rafflesia
- Reboldoeux Culverts
- Rio Albi
- Room of the Dead
- Sacred Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Scorching Plateau
- Secret Temple
- Secret Tower 1F
- Secret Tower 2F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Shelter of Resistance
- Silent Maze - 1F
- Silent Maze - 2F
- Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tierra Putrefacta
- Tierra de los Muertos
- Top of Secret Tower
- Topolo Durga
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Truman's Secret Laboratory
- Truman's Secret Workshop B1F
- Truman's Secret Workshop B2F
- Tubkal Mine
- Twisted Time: Imperium Arma
- Twisted Time: Imperium Rex
- Ustiur, The Farm
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 4
- Vegas Javier
- Vernier Mainsion, 1st Floor
- Vernier Mansion 2nd Floor
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Crow Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- Whirlpool of Flame
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.2
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
Pure Gold Bar
A gold bar, that weighs about 1,000 gold pieces.
Sell: 150 000 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Deprimida Valley
- Frozen Plain
- Island of Fire
- Katovic Snowfield
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tubkal Mine
- Via Fluvial
Pure Ionium
Flawless smooth White ore used as ingredients for several items. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 385 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Abertal
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Armonia, Ancient En Celar
- Armonia, Biego
- Armonia, El Adio
- Armonia, El Soltado
- Armonia, El Templo
- Armonia, En Celar
- Armonia, Gloria
- Armonia, Latina
- Bahamar, Altar of Heaven
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 2F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Battle Colosseum
- Bedel Plain
- Cabeza de Gigante
- Capybara Plantation
- Castilla, Mine
- Castilla, Relic
- Castilla, Ruins
- Castilla, Temple
- Corazon de Gigante
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deprimida Valley
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Distorted Time: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Distorted Time: Torsche Mansion
- Distorted time: Imperium Arma
- Distorted time: Imperium Rex
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Errac, Land of Day
- Errac, Land of Night
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Imperium Arma
- Imperium Glory
- Imperium Rex
- Inside Crater
- Interna de Gigante
- Island of Fire
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Katovic Snowfield
- Kielce - Night
- Kielce - Training Camp
- Kielce - Training Camp (Night)
- Lago Celeste
- Lava Plateau of Jaquin
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Warehouse
- Lucifer Castle, the Reception Hall of Oblivion
- Lucifer, Banquet Hall
- Lucifer, Death Corridor
- Lucifer, Moonlight Garden
- Lucifer, Secret Garden
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mine Passage
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza, Holy Water Chamber
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Cabeza de Gigante
- Mission: Castilla, King Henry Mission
- Mission: Chrysalis
- Mission: Crow Forest
- Mission: Demon of the Sea, Loby Dick
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Basement Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Underground Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Dr.Torsche Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon' Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Medusa
- Mission: Demonic Minotauros
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sphinx
- Mission: Demonic Tower of Ice Wizard Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dramatic Meeting
- Mission: First of Darkness
- Mission: Fury Farm
- Mission: Fury Mage
- Mission: Hatred Executor
- Mission: Hellbreaker
- Mission: Individual Raid, Rafflesia
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- Mission: Jaquin Basement
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Mission: Lava Leaf
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Mansion Dungeon of Demonic Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Merchant rank promotion test
- Mission: Overlord of Element
- Mission: Poison Yard for Christmas
- Mission: Rafflesia
- Mission: Raven Curse
- Mission: Room of the Dead
- Mission: Ruler of Rage
- Mission: Secret Laboratory of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Secret Temple
- Mission: Secret Tower 1F
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 1F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 2F
- Mission: Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Mission: Slaughter in the Jaquin
- Mission: Spirit of Jaquin
- Mission: Tower Dungeon of Demonic Ice Wizard
- Mission: Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Mission: Valley of Hell
- Mission: Viron, Clock Tower B7F
- Nest of Jormongand
- Occulta Fortress
- Occulta, Room of General
- Old Port of Coimbra
- Party Mission: Fury Lava Leaf
- Party Mission: Fury Rafflesia
- Party Mission: Fury Sekhmet
- Poison Yard
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rafflesia
- Reboldoeux Culverts
- Rio Albi
- Room of the Dead
- Sacred Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Scorching Plateau
- Secret Temple
- Secret Tower 1F
- Secret Tower 2F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Shelter of Resistance
- Silent Maze - 1F
- Silent Maze - 2F
- Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tierra Putrefacta
- Tierra de los Muertos
- Top of Secret Tower
- Topolo Durga
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Truman's Secret Laboratory
- Truman's Secret Workshop B1F
- Truman's Secret Workshop B2F
- Tubkal Mine
- Twisted Time: Imperium Arma
- Twisted Time: Imperium Rex
- Ustiur, The Farm
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 4
- Vegas Javier
- Vernier Mainsion, 1st Floor
- Vernier Mansion 2nd Floor
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Crow Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- Whirlpool of Flame
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.2
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
Pure Quartz
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 440 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Abertal
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Armonia, Ancient En Celar
- Armonia, Biego
- Armonia, El Adio
- Armonia, El Soltado
- Armonia, El Templo
- Armonia, En Celar
- Armonia, Gloria
- Armonia, Latina
- Bahamar, Altar of Heaven
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 2F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Battle Colosseum
- Bedel Plain
- Cabeza de Gigante
- Capybara Plantation
- Castilla, Mine
- Castilla, Relic
- Castilla, Ruins
- Castilla, Temple
- Corazon de Gigante
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deprimida Valley
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Distorted Time: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Distorted Time: Torsche Mansion
- Distorted time: Imperium Arma
- Distorted time: Imperium Rex
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Errac, Land of Day
- Errac, Land of Night
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Imperium Arma
- Imperium Glory
- Imperium Rex
- Inside Crater
- Interna de Gigante
- Island of Fire
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Katovic Snowfield
- Kielce - Night
- Kielce - Training Camp
- Kielce - Training Camp (Night)
- Lago Celeste
- Lava Plateau of Jaquin
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Warehouse
- Lucifer Castle, the Reception Hall of Oblivion
- Lucifer, Banquet Hall
- Lucifer, Death Corridor
- Lucifer, Moonlight Garden
- Lucifer, Secret Garden
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mine Passage
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza, Holy Water Chamber
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Cabeza de Gigante
- Mission: Castilla, King Henry Mission
- Mission: Chrysalis
- Mission: Crow Forest
- Mission: Demon of the Sea, Loby Dick
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Basement Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Underground Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Dr.Torsche Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon' Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Medusa
- Mission: Demonic Minotauros
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sphinx
- Mission: Demonic Tower of Ice Wizard Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dramatic Meeting
- Mission: First of Darkness
- Mission: Fury Farm
- Mission: Fury Mage
- Mission: Hatred Executor
- Mission: Hellbreaker
- Mission: Individual Raid, Rafflesia
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- Mission: Jaquin Basement
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Mission: Lava Leaf
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Mansion Dungeon of Demonic Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Merchant rank promotion test
- Mission: Overlord of Element
- Mission: Poison Yard for Christmas
- Mission: Rafflesia
- Mission: Raven Curse
- Mission: Room of the Dead
- Mission: Ruler of Rage
- Mission: Secret Laboratory of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Secret Temple
- Mission: Secret Tower 1F
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 1F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 2F
- Mission: Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Mission: Slaughter in the Jaquin
- Mission: Spirit of Jaquin
- Mission: Tower Dungeon of Demonic Ice Wizard
- Mission: Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Mission: Valley of Hell
- Mission: Viron, Clock Tower B7F
- Nest of Jormongand
- Occulta Fortress
- Occulta, Room of General
- Old Port of Coimbra
- Party Mission: Fury Lava Leaf
- Party Mission: Fury Rafflesia
- Party Mission: Fury Sekhmet
- Poison Yard
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rafflesia
- Reboldoeux Culverts
- Rio Albi
- Room of the Dead
- Sacred Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Scorching Plateau
- Secret Temple
- Secret Tower 1F
- Secret Tower 2F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Shelter of Resistance
- Silent Maze - 1F
- Silent Maze - 2F
- Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tierra Putrefacta
- Tierra de los Muertos
- Top of Secret Tower
- Topolo Durga
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Truman's Secret Laboratory
- Truman's Secret Workshop B1F
- Truman's Secret Workshop B2F
- Tubkal Mine
- Twisted Time: Imperium Arma
- Twisted Time: Imperium Rex
- Ustiur, The Farm
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 4
- Vegas Javier
- Vernier Mainsion, 1st Floor
- Vernier Mansion 2nd Floor
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Crow Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- Whirlpool of Flame
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.2
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
Pure Talt
Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 330 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- 1F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 2F of Skeleton Dungeon
- 3F of Skeleton Dungeon
- Abertal
- Ancient Castilla, Temple
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Armonia, Ancient En Celar
- Armonia, Biego
- Armonia, El Adio
- Armonia, El Soltado
- Armonia, El Templo
- Armonia, En Celar
- Armonia, Gloria
- Armonia, Latina
- Bahamar, Altar of Heaven
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Cave 2F
- Bahamar, Dark Swamp
- Bahamar, Forest of Prophet
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Marshlands
- Bahamar, Swamp of Eternity
- Bahamar, Swamp of Peril
- Battle Colosseum
- Bedel Plain
- Cabeza de Gigante
- Capybara Plantation
- Castilla, Mine
- Castilla, Relic
- Castilla, Ruins
- Castilla, Temple
- Corazon de Gigante
- Crater of Jaquin
- Deprimida Valley
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Distorted Time: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Distorted Time: Torsche Mansion
- Distorted time: Imperium Arma
- Distorted time: Imperium Rex
- El Canon de Diabolica
- El Ruina de Memoria
- El Tejado Verde
- Errac, Land of Day
- Errac, Land of Night
- Ferruccio Wall
- Frozen Plain
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Imperium Arma
- Imperium Glory
- Imperium Rex
- Inside Crater
- Interna de Gigante
- Island of Fire
- Jaquin, Altar of Despair
- Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Jaquin, Schivarliere
- Jaquin, The Mohrgus
- Jaquin, Torture Chamber
- Katovic Snowfield
- Kielce - Night
- Kielce - Training Camp
- Kielce - Training Camp (Night)
- Lago Celeste
- Lava Plateau of Jaquin
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Laboratory
- Lucifer Castle, Basement Warehouse
- Lucifer Castle, the Reception Hall of Oblivion
- Lucifer, Banquet Hall
- Lucifer, Death Corridor
- Lucifer, Moonlight Garden
- Lucifer, Secret Garden
- M. Dr.Torsche, Grand Library
- M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall
- M. Dr.Torsche, Savage Garden
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mine Passage
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza, Holy Water Chamber
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Altar of Duskfall
- Mission: Cabeza de Gigante
- Mission: Castilla, King Henry Mission
- Mission: Chrysalis
- Mission: Crow Forest
- Mission: Demon of the Sea, Loby Dick
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Basement Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Bahamar Underground Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Dr.Torsche Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Jaquin Dungeon' Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Medusa
- Mission: Demonic Minotauros
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Occulta Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Porto Bello Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Secret Tower Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Sedecram Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Skeleton Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Sphinx
- Mission: Demonic Tower of Ice Wizard Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon
- Mission: Demonic Tubkal Mine Dungeon Dungeon: Hard
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dr.Torsche's Mansion - Basement
- Mission: Dramatic Meeting
- Mission: First of Darkness
- Mission: Fury Farm
- Mission: Fury Mage
- Mission: Hatred Executor
- Mission: Hellbreaker
- Mission: Individual Raid, Rafflesia
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier (Siege)
- Mission: Jaquin Barrier Siege
- Mission: Jaquin Basement
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize
- Mission: Jaquin, Corridor of Assize 1
- Mission: Kielce Night Combat
- Mission: Lava Leaf
- Mission: Machinery Room of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Mansion Dungeon of Demonic Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Merchant rank promotion test
- Mission: Overlord of Element
- Mission: Poison Yard for Christmas
- Mission: Rafflesia
- Mission: Raven Curse
- Mission: Room of the Dead
- Mission: Ruler of Rage
- Mission: Secret Laboratory of Dr.Torsche
- Mission: Secret Temple
- Mission: Secret Tower 1F
- Mission: Secret Tower 3F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 1F
- Mission: Silent Maze - 2F
- Mission: Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Mission: Slaughter in the Jaquin
- Mission: Spirit of Jaquin
- Mission: Tower Dungeon of Demonic Ice Wizard
- Mission: Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Mission: Valley of Hell
- Mission: Viron, Clock Tower B7F
- Nest of Jormongand
- Occulta Fortress
- Occulta, Room of General
- Old Port of Coimbra
- Party Mission: Fury Lava Leaf
- Party Mission: Fury Rafflesia
- Party Mission: Fury Sekhmet
- Poison Yard
- Pradera de Ceniza
- Rafflesia
- Reboldoeux Culverts
- Rio Albi
- Room of the Dead
- Sacred Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Dungeon
- Sacred Sedecram Hiding Place
- Scorching Plateau
- Secret Temple
- Secret Tower 1F
- Secret Tower 2F
- Secret Tower 3F
- Shelter of Resistance
- Silent Maze - 1F
- Silent Maze - 2F
- Silent Maze Sanctuary
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Tierra Putrefacta
- Tierra de los Muertos
- Top of Secret Tower
- Topolo Durga
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Tower of Ice Wizard, Parlor of Novia
- Truman's Secret Laboratory
- Truman's Secret Workshop B1F
- Truman's Secret Workshop B2F
- Tubkal Mine
- Twisted Time: Imperium Arma
- Twisted Time: Imperium Rex
- Ustiur, The Farm
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 1
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 3
- Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 4
- Vegas Javier
- Vernier Mainsion, 1st Floor
- Vernier Mansion 2nd Floor
- Via Fluvial
- Viron, Blood Fog Forest
- Viron, Crow Forest
- Viron, Red Sunset Forest
- Whirlpool of Flame
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.2
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.3
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.2
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 47 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Al Quelt Moreza, Arcade
- Al Quelt Moreza, Nartex
- Al Quelt Moreza, Parsonage
- Cathari Falls
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Hollow
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Learning Construction Skill
- Mission: Memory of Dilos Latemn
- Mission: Tetra Ruins
Rare Book of Combat
Old and worn book. It is quite difficult to understand the contents but it seems related to combat.
Sell: 11 000 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Abertal
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Tetra Treasure Room
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
Rare Book of Magic
Old and worn book. It is quite difficult to understand the contents but it seems related to magic.
Sell: 11 000 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Tetra Treasure Room
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
- Via Fluvial
Rare Book of Shooting
Old and worn book. It is quite difficult to understand the contents but it seems related to shooting.
Sell: 11 000 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Deprimida Valley
- Mission: Al Quelt Moreza Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Inside Tower of Ice Wizard
- Mission: Jaquin Treasure Chamber
- Mission: Tetra Treasure Room
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 1F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 2F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 3F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 4F
- Tower of Ice Wizard - 5F
Red Turin Shroud
A red and long fabric used to cover the holy man's body. This is the main material for creating Armonia robes.
Sell: 1 Vis

Refined Aidanium
Light, silver ore specially available at Granado Espada continent. Many items are made from this refined ore. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 198 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Deserted Quay of Porto Bello
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Island of Fire
- Mansion Dr.Torsche, Annex
- Mission: Battle with Auch Soldiers
- Mission: Gathering the Construction Rocks
- Mission: Intruder Alert!
- Mission: Sedecram for Christmas
- Mission: Sightseeing
- Mission: Tower of the Ice Wizard for Christmas
- Outside Gigante
- Porto Bello, The Cabin
- Porto Bello, The Hold
- Rion Dungeon Corridor
- Rion Plain
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.1
Refined Etretanium
White, silver ore specially available at beach town. Costly since it has small yield. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 215 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Bonavista River
- Deserted Quay of Porto Bello
- Desolate Cliff of Porto Bello
- Island of Fire
- Mission: Educate the Robot
- Mission: Sightseeing
- Outside Gigante
- Porto Bello, The Hold
- Rion Dungeon Corridor
- Rion Dungeon Hollow
- Rion Plain
- Thueringenwald
- Vegas Javier
- [Event Mission] Gold Dungeon (Internal Warfare) Lv.1
- [Event Mission] Jaquin Barrier (Siege) Lv.1
Refined Quartz
Ore that has six crystal faces all over the new continent. Distinct crystal faces and shiny gloss can be used for gems. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 182 Vis

Refined Talt
Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 99 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Purified Holy Water
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Magic Infused Accessory.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Purified Korazon
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Magic Infused Accessory.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Purified Otite
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Magic Infused Accessory.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Purified Rhodolite
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Magic Infused Accessory.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Purified Stone Gas
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Magic Infused Accessory.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Rune of Talos - Shiny Holy Water
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Constellation Weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Rune of Talos - Shiny Korazon
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Constellation Weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Rune of Talos - Shiny Otite
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Constellation Weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Rune of Talos - Shiny Rhodolite
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Constellation Weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Rune of Talos - Shiny Stone Gas
Refined shape of Rune Pattern via Arpe Valeron that coming out in pieces from the body of Talos. Possible to use as the main material of Constellation Weapon.
Sell: 1 Vis

Sad new of Phoenix
Heirloom that a noble has kept preciously. After that, the noble collapsed and it's whereabouts has been spreaded.
Sell: 1 Vis

Sagittarius Token (The 9th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Scale of Uraeus
Using for entering mission, Uraeus
Scale of Uraeus that restored by some pieces of scale. Possible to buy from Auch Federigo or Key Merchant of Coinbra Nimrod Bridge. (2 of Scale Piece, 100 of Shiny Crystal required)
Sell: 1 Vis

Scorpio Token (The 8th Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Shiny Crystal
Shiny Crystal looking precious. It can imbue your socket items with special options.
Weapon : +5 ATK
Armor : DEF +2
Others : Max SP + 2%
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Ancient Cannon
Ancient Crossbow
Ancient Dagger
Ancient Fire Bracelet
Ancient Great Sword
Ancient Ice Bracelet
Ancient Knuckle
Ancient Leg-Guards
Ancient Lightning Bracelet
Ancient Lute
Ancient Pistol
Ancient Rapier
Ancient Rifle
Ancient Rod
Ancient Rosario
Ancient Sabre
Ancient Shield
Ancient Shotgun
Ancient Slayer
Ancient Staff
Ancient Sword
Blue Arsene Circus Ticket
Clock Tower Key (10 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (11 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (12 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (2 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (3 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (4 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (5 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (6 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (7 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (8 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (9 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (Lost Time)
Coat Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Crafted Fire RES Necklace
Crafted Ice RES Necklace
Crafted Lightning RES Necklace
Crafted Mental RES Necklace
Crafted Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Crafted Physical RES Necklace
Crafted Shot RES Necklace
Created Fire RES Necklace
Created Ice RES Necklace
Created Lightning RES Necklace
Created Mental RES Necklace
Created Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Created Physical RES Necklace
Created Shot RES Necklace
Dazzling Petrified Gas Crystal
Dragon Heart
Elite Le Blanc Coat
Elite Le Blanc Leather Armor
Elite Le Blanc Robe
Elite Le Noir Coat
Elite Le Noir Coat (No Use)
Elite Le Noir Leather Armor
Elite Le Noir Leather Armor (No Use)
Elite Le Noir Robe
Enhanced Fire RES Necklace
Enhanced Ice RES Necklace
Enhanced Lightning RES Necklace
Enhanced Mental RES Necklace
Enhanced Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Enhanced Physical RES Necklace
Enhanced Shot RES Necklace
Fate of Castilla
Fire RES Necklace
Shiny Crystal
Gauntlets of Artisan
General Plate
Glove of Selva
Gloves of Artisan
Gold Rosario
Greaves of Artisan
Greek Croma (No Use)
Greek Croma (No Use)
Greek Croma Coat
Greek Croma Leather Armor
Greek Croma Robe
Green Arsene Circus Ticket
Heart of Archangel
High Quality Belt
High Quality Emerald
High Quality Leather Belt
High Quality Metal Belt
High Quality Ruby
High Quality Sapphire
Ice RES Necklace
Le Blanc Coat (No Use)
Le Blanc Leather Armor (No Use)
Leather Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Leather Belt
Leather Boots of Artisan
Leather Gloves of Artisan
Lightning RES Necklace
Magic Gauntlets
Magic Gloves
Magic Greaves
Magic Leather Boots
Magic Leather Gloves
Magic Shoes
Mental RES Necklace
Metal Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Metal Belt
Necklace of Resistance to Attribute
Physical RES Necklace
Piece of Emerald
Piece of Ruby
Piece of Sapphire
Prospe Bracelet
Prospe Bracelet
Prospe Cannon
Prospe Cannon
Prospe Controller
Prospe Controller
Prospe Craft
Prospe Craft
Prospe Crescent
Prospe Crescent
Prospe Crossbow
Prospe Crossbow
Prospe Cube
Prospe Cube
Prospe Dagger
Prospe Dagger
Prospe Encyclopedia
Prospe Encyclopedia
Prospe Flame Bangle
Prospe Flame Bangle
Prospe Ice Bangle
Prospe Ice Bangle
Prospe Javelin
Prospe Javelin
Prospe Knuckle
Prospe Knuckle
Prospe Leg-Guards
Prospe Leg-Guards
Prospe Lightning Bangle
Prospe Lightning Bangle
Prospe Lute
Prospe Lute
Prospe Magic Scroll
Prospe Magic Scroll
Prospe Main-Gauche
Prospe Main-Gauche
Prospe Pendant
Prospe Pendant
Prospe Polearm
Prospe Polearm
Prospe Rapier
Prospe Rapier
Prospe Revolver
Prospe Revolver
Prospe Rifle
Prospe Rifle
Prospe Rod
Prospe Rod
Prospe Rosario
Prospe Rosario
Prospe Shamshir
Prospe Shamshir
Prospe Shotgun
Prospe Shotgun
Prospe Slayer
Prospe Slayer
Prospe Sword
Prospe Sword
Prospe Tonfa
Prospe Tonfa
Red Arsene Circus Ticket
Robe Armor Crystal - Grade 35
Scale of Siren
Seed of Yggdrasil
Shoes of Artisan
Shot RES Necklace
Strata Devil (No Use)
Strata Devil (No Use)
Strata Devil Belt
Strata Devil Boots
Strata Devil Coat
Strata Devil Gloves
Strata Devil Leather Armor
Strata Devil Plate
Strata Devil Robe
Zodiac Belt
Zodiac Boots
Zodiac Gloves
Shiny Solarion
Solarion was refined through Valeron's vision. It's used in making Valeron's gear.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
ILE-525 Cube
ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle
Valeron Belt
Valeron Boots
Valeron Bracelet of Fire
Valeron Canon
Valeron Coat
Valeron Controller
Valeron Crecent
Valeron Crossbow
Valeron Dagger
Valeron Earing
Valeron Glove
Valeron Hammer
Valeron Ice Bracelet
Valeron Javelin
Valeron Knuckle
Valeron Leather Armor
Valeron Leg-Guard
Valeron Lightning Bracelet
Valeron Lute
Valeron Mace
Valeron Magic Scroll
Valeron Main-Gauche
Valeron Metal Armor
Valeron Necklace
Valeron Pendant
Valeron Pistol
Valeron Polearm
Valeron Rapier
Valeron Rifle
Valeron Robe
Valeron Rod
Valeron Rosario
Valeron Saber
Valeron Shield
Valeron Shotgun
Valeron Slayer
Valeron Special Bracelet
Valeron Staff
Valeron Sword
Valeron Tonfa
Sign of dark shadow, D
Ominous sign that infused by vigor of dark shadow, D. Possible to get from Great Plain.
Sell: 1 Vis

Sign of dark shadow, G
Ominous sign that infused by vigor of dark shadow, G. Possible to get from Great Plain.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Elite Altair's Cunning
Elite Balance of Libra
Elite Blunder of Lykaon
Elite Criticism of Spica
Elite Delusion of Karas
Elite Fire of Palermo
Elite Howling of Callisto.
Elite Impulse of Algedi
Elite Intuition of Al Rischa
Elite Judgment of Bennu
Elite Lightning of Rotanev
Elite Naiads
Elite Passion of Regulus
Elite Relief of Deneb
Elite Tempest of Aquarius
Zodiac Neclace
Silver Bar
Bar made of Silver. Used for making several ornamental wares. Possible to buy via Tool Merchant of each town. (About 50,000 Vis)
Sell: 50 000 Vis

Known Uses
Skin of Jormongand
Hide reeks of untold powers of Jormongand
Sell: 2750 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Spirit of Forest
People say this jewel is made of crystallized energy of a little forest.
Sell: 1100 Vis

Status Ampule - AGI
Increases 'AGI' of your family by 3.
Increases 'AGI' of Team members increases for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - AGI
Status Ampule - AGI
Status Ampule - AGI (Event)
The AGI of all team members is increased by 3
Increases 'AGI' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - AGI (Event)
Status Ampule - AGI (Event)
Status Ampule - DEX
Increases 'DEX' of your family by 3.
Increases 'DEX' of team members for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - DEX
Status Ampule - DEX
Status Ampule - DEX (Event)
The DEX of all team members is increased by 3
Increases 'DEX' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - DEX (Event)
Status Ampule - DEX (Event)
Status Ampule - HP
Increases 'HP' of your family by 3.
Increases 'HP' of team members for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - HP
Status Ampule - HP
Status Ampule - HP (Event)
The HP of all team members is increased by 3
Increases 'HP' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - HP (Event)
Status Ampule - HP (Event)
Status Ampule - INT
Increases 'INT' of your family by 3.
Increases 'INT' of team members for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - INT
Status Ampule - INT
Status Ampule - INT (Event)
The INT of all team members is increased by 3
Increases 'INT' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - INT (Event)
Status Ampule - INT (Event)
Status Ampule - SEN
Increases 'SEN' of your family by 3.
Increases 'SEN' of team members for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - SEN
Status Ampule - SEN
Status Ampule - SEN (Event)
SEN of all team members will be increased by 3.
Increases 'SEN' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - SEN (Event)
Status Ampule - SEN (Event)
Status Ampule - STR
Increases 'STR' of your family by 3.
Increases 'STR' of team members for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - STR
Status Ampule - STR
Status Ampule - STR (Event)
The STR of all team members is increased by 3
Increases 'STR' of your family for a while. Effect lasts for 1 hour, and can't be stacked.
This item can't be traded.

Known Uses
Status Ampule - STR (Event)
Status Ampule - STR (Event)
Steel piece
Extremely durable metal created by refining iron for long. Swords can be created with this. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 55 Vis

Known Uses
Sun Stone
Exchangeable, with 1,000 Feso

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Nest 2F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 1F
- Ancient Skeleton Shelter 2F
- Bahamar, Ancient Cave 1F
- Bahamar, Ancient Underground Hiding Place 1F
- Bahamar, Hidden Ancient Cave 1F
- Hidden Ancient Skeleton Nest
- Jaquin, Laboratory Block
- Porto Bello, Hidden Deck
- Tetra Grand Chapel
Symbol Piece
Fragment of Symbol that a country's royal family granted. The completed symbol carved with design of hawk.
Sell: 1 Vis

Tool set with different functions used for construction. This can be sold for Vis.
Sell: 20 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Ferruccio Junction
- Mission: Cleansing of Al Quelt Moreza
- Mission: Reboldoeux Stone Pit, Work Pit 2
- Mission: Sorceress Cherlyn
- Mission: Treasure Golem
- Reboldoeux Stone Pit
- Tetra Antiquities Room
- Tetra Avernus Road
- Tetra Catacomb
- Tetra Golden Road
Taurus Token (The 2nd Signs of Zodiac)
A symbol engraved with a constellation.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
The Hilt of Elite Black Dragon
A rifle barrel. This could be used to make a better rifle than the Black Dragon.
Sell: 825 Vis

Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Demon Slayer
A sword hilt. With a blade, this would make a better sword than the Demon Slayer.
Sell: 825 Vis

Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Grim-Wraith
A sword hilt. With a blade, this would make a better sword than the Grim-Wraith.
Sell: 825 Vis

Known Uses
The Hilt of Elite Grim-stick
The head of a stick. With a handle, this could be used to make a better stick than the Grim-stick.
Sell: 825 Vis

Known Uses
Time Space Key
A key to release the seal of twisted time and space
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
Token - B.H. Guild
You can use this token in the shop located in Bounty Hunters Guild. It can be obtained from demonic missions.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
Clock Tower Key (10 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (11 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (12 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (2 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (3 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (4 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (5 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (6 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (7 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (8 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (9 o'clock Room)
Clock Tower Key (Lost Time)
Twisted Weapon Piece
Fragment of weapon twisted by strong power. Main material of Bristia Weapons, possible to make large Caliber Rifle by asking Marchetti.

Known Uses
Elite Bristia Cannon
Elite Bristia Crescent
Elite Bristia Crossbow
Elite Bristia Dagger
Elite Bristia Fire Bracelet
Elite Bristia Ice Bracelet
Elite Bristia Javelin
Elite Bristia Knuckle
Elite Bristia Leg-Guards
Elite Bristia Lightning Bracelet
Elite Bristia Lute
Elite Bristia Mace
Elite Bristia Main-Gauche
Elite Bristia Pistol
Elite Bristia Polearm
Elite Bristia Rapier
Elite Bristia Rifle
Elite Bristia Rod
Elite Bristia Sabre
Elite Bristia Shot Gun
Elite Bristia Slayer
Elite Bristia Special Bracelet
Elite Bristia Staff
Elite Bristia Sword
Elite Bristia Tonfa
Unpolished Green Gem
A rough green stone. Does not seem valuable.
Sell: 550 Vis

Known Uses
Known Locations
- Al Quelt Moreza, Nartex
- Garden of Kings
- Mission: Anger of Rose
- Mission: New Beast Corps1
- Mission: Rose Spirit 1st line of defense
- Porto Bello, The Cabin
- Reboldoeux Stone Pit
- Tetra Catacomb
Valeron's Buckle
Crafted Buckle through Valeron's secret technique. It becomes a material for Valeron Accessory.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Chain
Crafted Chain through Valeron's secret technique. It becomes a material for Valeron Accessory.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Emerald
Crafted Emerald through Valeron's secret technique. It becomes a material for Valeron Accessory.
Sell: 165 000 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Protection(Coat)
The magic accessary the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. It's necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Protection(Leather Armor)
The magic accessary the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. It's necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Protection(Metal Armor)
The magic accessary the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. It's necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Protection(Robe)
The magic accessary the legendary Blacksmith Ignacio Valeron attached to armor. It's necessary to compose precise Protection Mark for Valeron armor.
Sell: 275 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Ruby
Crafted Ruby through Valeron's secret technique. It becomes a material for Valeron Accessory.
Sell: 165 000 Vis

Known Uses
Valeron's Sapphire
Crafted Sapphire through Valeron's secret technique. It becomes a material for Valeron Accessory.
Sell: 165 000 Vis

Known Uses
Vestiges of Devil
Fragment of Magic power possessed by a evil creature of Lucifer Castle.
Sell: 1 Vis

Silver ore found in Portus. Used as a catalyst in crafting ancient weaponry.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
- Stella's Fanaticism
- Stella's Fanaticism (Event)
- Orden's Tenacity
- Orden's Tenacity (Event)
- Atlas' Gaze
- Atlas' Gaze (Event)
- Chloe's Insight
- Chloe's Insight (Event)
- Orden's Demise
- Orden's Demise (Event)
- Charlotte's Anguish
- Charlotte's Anguish (Event)
- Stella's Nobility
- Stella's Nobility (Event)
- Charlotte's Loyalty
- Charlotte's Loyalty (Event)
- Orden's Lament
- Orden's Lament (Event)
- Charlotte's Smile
- Charlotte's Smile (Event)
- Chloe's Benevolence
- Chloe's Benevolence (Event)
- Orden's Tears
- Orden's Tears (Event)
- Stella's Judgement
- Stella's Judgement (Event)
- Chloe's Quiz
- Chloe's Quiz (Event)
- Chloe's Melody
- Chloe's Melody (Event)
- Chloe's Wisdom
- Chloe's Wisdom (Event)
- Chloe's Hope
- Chloe's Hope (Event)
- Stella's Blessing
- Stella's Blessing (Event)
- Charlotte's Endurance
- Charlotte's Endurance (Event)
- Atlas' Salvation
- Atlas' Salvation (Event)
- Atlas' Dignity
- Atlas' Dignity (Event)
- Orden's Breath
- Orden's Breath (Event)
- Atlas' Cruelty
- Atlas' Cruelty (Event)
- Atlas' Burden
- Atlas' Burden (Event)
- Charlotte's Brilliance
- Charlotte's Brilliance (Event)
- Atlas' Ferocity
- Atlas' Ferocity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ambush
- Charlotte's Ambush (Event)
- Orden's Wrath
- Orden's Wrath (Event)
- Stella's Purity
- Stella's Purity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ardor
- Charlotte's Ardor (Event)
- Atlas' Strenght
- Atlas' Strenght (Event)
- Stella's Bravery
- Stella's Bravery (Event)
- Orden's Oblivion
- Orden's Oblivion (Event)
Known Locations
- Portus
Red ore found in Camelia Teia. Used as a catalyst in crafting ancient weaponry.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
- Stella's Fanaticism
- Stella's Fanaticism (Event)
- Orden's Tenacity
- Orden's Tenacity (Event)
- Atlas' Gaze
- Atlas' Gaze (Event)
- Chloe's Insight
- Chloe's Insight (Event)
- Orden's Demise
- Orden's Demise (Event)
- Charlotte's Anguish
- Charlotte's Anguish (Event)
- Stella's Nobility
- Stella's Nobility (Event)
- Charlotte's Loyalty
- Charlotte's Loyalty (Event)
- Orden's Lament
- Orden's Lament (Event)
- Charlotte's Smile
- Charlotte's Smile (Event)
- Chloe's Benevolence
- Chloe's Benevolence (Event)
- Orden's Tears
- Orden's Tears (Event)
- Stella's Judgement
- Stella's Judgement (Event)
- Chloe's Quiz
- Chloe's Quiz (Event)
- Chloe's Melody
- Chloe's Melody (Event)
- Chloe's Wisdom
- Chloe's Wisdom (Event)
- Chloe's Hope
- Chloe's Hope (Event)
- Stella's Blessing
- Stella's Blessing (Event)
- Charlotte's Endurance
- Charlotte's Endurance (Event)
- Atlas' Salvation
- Atlas' Salvation (Event)
- Atlas' Dignity
- Atlas' Dignity (Event)
- Orden's Breath
- Orden's Breath (Event)
- Atlas' Cruelty
- Atlas' Cruelty (Event)
- Atlas' Burden
- Atlas' Burden (Event)
- Charlotte's Brilliance
- Charlotte's Brilliance (Event)
- Atlas' Ferocity
- Atlas' Ferocity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ambush
- Charlotte's Ambush (Event)
- Orden's Wrath
- Orden's Wrath (Event)
- Stella's Purity
- Stella's Purity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ardor
- Charlotte's Ardor (Event)
- Atlas' Strenght
- Atlas' Strenght (Event)
- Stella's Bravery
- Stella's Bravery (Event)
- Orden's Oblivion
- Orden's Oblivion (Event)
Known Locations
- Camelia Teia
Quiritatio Essence
Essence containing the magic obtained from the samples found in Quiritatio.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
- Stella's Fanaticism
- Stella's Fanaticism (Event)
- Orden's Tenacity
- Orden's Tenacity (Event)
- Atlas' Gaze
- Atlas' Gaze (Event)
- Chloe's Insight
- Chloe's Insight (Event)
- Orden's Demise
- Orden's Demise (Event)
- Charlotte's Anguish
- Charlotte's Anguish (Event)
- Stella's Nobility
- Stella's Nobility (Event)
- Charlotte's Loyalty
- Charlotte's Loyalty (Event)
- Orden's Lament
- Orden's Lament (Event)
- Charlotte's Smile
- Charlotte's Smile (Event)
- Chloe's Benevolence
- Chloe's Benevolence (Event)
- Orden's Tears
- Orden's Tears (Event)
- Stella's Judgement
- Stella's Judgement (Event)
- Chloe's Quiz
- Chloe's Quiz (Event)
- Chloe's Melody
- Chloe's Melody (Event)
- Chloe's Wisdom
- Chloe's Wisdom (Event)
- Chloe's Hope
- Chloe's Hope (Event)
- Stella's Blessing
- Stella's Blessing (Event)
- Charlotte's Endurance
- Charlotte's Endurance (Event)
- Atlas' Salvation
- Atlas' Salvation (Event)
- Atlas' Dignity
- Atlas' Dignity (Event)
- Orden's Breath
- Orden's Breath (Event)
- Atlas' Cruelty
- Atlas' Cruelty (Event)
- Atlas' Burden
- Atlas' Burden (Event)
- Charlotte's Brilliance
- Charlotte's Brilliance (Event)
- Atlas' Ferocity
- Atlas' Ferocity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ambush
- Charlotte's Ambush (Event)
- Orden's Wrath
- Orden's Wrath (Event)
- Stella's Purity
- Stella's Purity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ardor
- Charlotte's Ardor (Event)
- Atlas' Strenght
- Atlas' Strenght (Event)
- Stella's Bravery
- Stella's Bravery (Event)
- Orden's Oblivion
- Orden's Oblivion (Event)
Known Locations
- Quiritatio
Time Crystal: Quiritatio
Crystal of condensed power found within Quiritatio in the ancient times.
Sell: 1 Vis

Known Uses
- Stella's Fanaticism
- Stella's Fanaticism (Event)
- Orden's Tenacity
- Orden's Tenacity (Event)
- Atlas' Gaze
- Atlas' Gaze (Event)
- Chloe's Insight
- Chloe's Insight (Event)
- Orden's Demise
- Orden's Demise (Event)
- Charlotte's Anguish
- Charlotte's Anguish (Event)
- Stella's Nobility
- Stella's Nobility (Event)
- Charlotte's Loyalty
- Charlotte's Loyalty (Event)
- Orden's Lament
- Orden's Lament (Event)
- Charlotte's Smile
- Charlotte's Smile (Event)
- Chloe's Benevolence
- Chloe's Benevolence (Event)
- Orden's Tears
- Orden's Tears (Event)
- Stella's Judgement
- Stella's Judgement (Event)
- Chloe's Quiz
- Chloe's Quiz (Event)
- Chloe's Melody
- Chloe's Melody (Event)
- Chloe's Wisdom
- Chloe's Wisdom (Event)
- Chloe's Hope
- Chloe's Hope (Event)
- Stella's Blessing
- Stella's Blessing (Event)
- Charlotte's Endurance
- Charlotte's Endurance (Event)
- Atlas' Salvation
- Atlas' Salvation (Event)
- Atlas' Dignity
- Atlas' Dignity (Event)
- Orden's Breath
- Orden's Breath (Event)
- Atlas' Cruelty
- Atlas' Cruelty (Event)
- Atlas' Burden
- Atlas' Burden (Event)
- Charlotte's Brilliance
- Charlotte's Brilliance (Event)
- Atlas' Ferocity
- Atlas' Ferocity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ambush
- Charlotte's Ambush (Event)
- Orden's Wrath
- Orden's Wrath (Event)
- Stella's Purity
- Stella's Purity (Event)
- Charlotte's Ardor
- Charlotte's Ardor (Event)
- Atlas' Strenght
- Atlas' Strenght (Event)
- Stella's Bravery
- Stella's Bravery (Event)
- Orden's Oblivion
- Orden's Oblivion (Event)