Granado Espada

Classique Granado Espada
Classique GE - v2.0.0
Last update

Firearms Merchant, Bernelli

Shop Location

MapPort of Coimbra
NPCFirearms Merchant, Bernelli

it_w_wheellocker .30 Cal. Wheel-Lock Rifle 1,560 Vis
it_w_wheellocker .32 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle 2,600 Vis
it_w_wheellocker .34 Cal. Wheel-lock Rifle 4,160 Vis
it_w_brownbess .32 Cal. Brown Bess 6,240 Vis
it_w_brownbess .34 Cal. Brown Bess 9,360 Vis
it_w_brownbess .36 Cal. Brown Bess 16,640 Vis
it_w_brownbess .38 Cal. Brown Bess 26,000 Vis
it_w_dreyse .32 Cal. Dreyse 41,600 Vis
it_w_dreyse .34 Cal. Dreyse 70,200 Vis
it_w_dreyse .36 Cal. Dreyse 124,800 Vis
it_w_snaphance Handgun 840 Vis
it_w_snaphance Short Musket 1,400 Vis
it_w_snaphance Snaphance 2,240 Vis
it_w_chassepot Wheel-lock Pistol 3,360 Vis
it_w_chassepot Charioteer 5,040 Vis
it_w_chassepot Chassepot 8,960 Vis
it_w_leveractionpistol Revolver 14,000 Vis
it_w_leveractionpistol Golden Revolver 22,400 Vis
it_w_leveractionpistol Lever-action Revolver 37,800 Vis
it_w_revolver The 6-in-a-row 67,200 Vis
it_w_shotgun Shotgun 30,000 Vis
it_w_shotgun Buckshot 48,000 Vis
it_w_blunderbuss Blunderbuss 81,000 Vis
it_w_blunderbuss Semi-auto Shotgun 144,000 Vis
it_w_recoillesscannon Hand Cannon 40,000 Vis
it_w_recoillesscannon Shoulder Cannon 64,000 Vis
it_w_recoillesscannon Recoilless Cannon 108,000 Vis
it_w_mechanicalcannon Automatic Cannon 192,000 Vis
it_m_longcoat Long Coat 720 Vis
it_m_longcoat Long Coat 1,200 Vis
it_m_redingote Redingote 1,920 Vis
it_m_redingote Redingote 2,880 Vis
it_m_redingote Redingote 4,320 Vis
it_m_redingote Redingote 7,680 Vis
it_m_redingote Redingote 12,000 Vis
it_m_joustocoprs Justocorps 19,200 Vis
it_m_joustocoprs Justocorps 32,400 Vis
it_m_joustocoprs Justocorps 57,600 Vis
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