Granado Espada

Andromida Granado Espada
Andromida GE - v36.87.94
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NPCViolet Valeron

it_e_blackcloth Valeron's Protection (Leather Armor) it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Evora × 1 it_e_diadragon Dragon Heart × 1
it_e_craftburkle Valeron's Protection (Coat) it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Magic Corps × 1 it_e_diadragon Dragon Heart × 1
it_e_craftburkle Valeron's Protection (Robe) it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Patrikyon × 1 it_e_diadragon Dragon Heart × 1
it_e_craftburkle Valeron's Protection (Metal Armor) it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Illisia × 1 it_e_diadragon Dragon Heart × 1
it_e_chain Valeron's Chain it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Magic Corps × 50 it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Evora × 50
it_e_craftburkle Valeron's Buckle it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Illisia × 50 it_e_charactercard Mission Coupon : Patrikyon × 50
it_e_rubyarch Valeron's Ruby it_e_rubyarch Heart of Archangel × 200
it_e_seed Valeron's Sapphire it_e_seed Seed of Yggdrasil × 200
it_e_emeseiren Valeron's Emerald it_e_emeseiren Scale of Siren × 200
it_e_blackcloth Black Cloth Piece it_e_el_key_i Growth Stone × 50 it_e_devilwhis Crystallized Nucleus × 250
it_e_blackcloth Black Leather Piece it_e_el_key_i Growth Stone × 25 it_e_devilwhis Crystallized Nucleus × 500
it_e_blackcloth Impenetrable Shield Piece it_e_el_key_i Growth Stone × 100 it_e_devilwhis Crystallized Nucleus × 300
it_e_abysspiece1 Sloth's Shape it_e_armoniumore1 Shiny Solarion × 100 it_e_elecrystal Elemental Jewel × 5
it_e_abysspiece2 Rage's Shape it_e_armoniumore1 Shiny Solarion × 100 it_e_elecrystal Elemental Jewel × 5
it_e_abysspiece3 Greed's Shape it_e_armoniumore1 Shiny Solarion × 100 it_e_elecrystal Elemental Jewel × 5
it_e_abysspiece4 Jealousy's Shape it_e_armoniumore1 Shiny Solarion × 100 it_e_elecrystal Elemental Jewel × 5
it_e_abysspiece5 Pride's Shape it_e_armoniumore1 Shiny Solarion × 100 it_e_elecrystal Elemental Jewel × 5
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